About Berkley Services

Berkley Services has worked with property owners for the last ten years to help them recover expenses from their tenants based on a variety of billing methods and systems. We work for the property owner by dealing directly with the customer to educate, inform, and attend to their questions.

We have handled all types of utilities and common area charges in a variety of states. Utilizing our proprietary software, Kiwi, we are able to track tenant expenses down to the bedroom level to accommodate even the most complex billing arrangements. This has been particularly useful in the student housing industry where not everyone in the same unit leases together and trusts someone else to pay their bills.

Berkley Services is proficient in billing based on varying levels of detail taking into account the property infrastructure (or lack thereof). Our focus on customer service helps set us apart from the competition both to our property owners and the underlying tenants. Please let us know if you would like any further information or a quote to bill at your property.

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