Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I find my Berkley Services account number?

This 5-digit number is located on your most recent Berkley Services statement.

What is my Service Address?

This is the location of where your utility service is provided, likely your leased apartment address. This address may be different than the mailing address where your bill is sent.

What methods of payment are accepted?

We accept check, money order, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and eCheck (ACH). When mailing your payment please include your service address on the envelope and your account number on the payment. Please avoid mailing cash.

What is my verification address (for online payments)?

The verification address is the address associated with your credit card, found on your credit card statement. To prevent any unnecessary payment cancellations, please ensure that the billing addresses on your order matches the information on your credit card account. If you have recently moved or are unsure whether you receive your credit card statement at your work or home address, please contact your card-issuing bank using the toll free number on the back of your credit card to confirm.

Where do I find the security code on my credit card?

The card security code is a unique three or four digit number printed on the front (American Express) or back (Discover/MasterCard/Visa) of your card, in addition to the account number.

American Express
American Express
How would daily spending limits affect my payment?

Most debit and check cards have daily spending limits that can substantially delay the processing of an order, even if there is enough money in an account. When using a debit card, funds are immediately reserved from your bank account at the time you place your order. Please consult your card-issuing bank for information about your daily spending limits if you are having trouble completing your payment.

Tips for troubleshooting credit card & debit card payment errors:

If your card is new or recently reissued, make sure it has been activated. Double check the card type (for example, American Express), the account number and expiration date. Remove dashes or spaces from the account number. If everything is accurate, call the card issuer's customer service toll free number on the back of your card. Your credit card company may need to speak with you before they authorize your purchase.

How do I enable JavaScript in my browser?

Use this helpful resource to learn how to enable JavaScript in your web broswer.

How do I enable cookies in my browser?

Use this helpful resource to learn how to enable cookies in your web broswer.

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